C4D20120A Cree, Inc. Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers SIC SCHOTTKY DIODE 1200V, 20A

Part Nnumber
Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers SIC SCHOTTKY DIODE 1200V, 20A
Cree, Inc.
Basic price
22,83 EUR

The product with part number C4D20120A (Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers SIC SCHOTTKY DIODE 1200V, 20A) is from company Cree, Inc. and distributed with basic unit price 22,83 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Approx. production time is 4 weeks.

Cree, Inc. Product Category: Schottky Diodes & Rectifiers RoHS:  Details Product: Schottky Silicon Carbide Diodes Technology: SiC Vrrm - Repetitive Reverse Voltage: 1.2 kV If - Forward Current: 20 A Ifsm - Forward Surge Current: 130 A Configuration: Single trr - Reverse Recovery time: - Vf - Forward Voltage: 1.8 V Ir - Reverse Current: 200 uA Pd - Power Dissipation: 242 W Maximum Operating Temperature: + 175 C Minimum Operating Temperature: - 55 C Mounting Style: Through Hole Package/Case: TO-220-2 Brand: Cree, Inc. Cd - Diode Capacitance: 1500 pF Factory Pack Quantity: 50

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